Monday, May 27, 2013

How to: Rain barrel

Rain barrels are a great way to utilize water that is otherwise running rampant across your lawn. While it can be even more effective to landscape your yard and rain gutters to naturally water your garden and lawn, doing so can be much more expensive, and usually permanent.

Rain barrels are cheap, easy to make, and much more customizable with many more uses.In addition to watering, you can generally use them in place of your hose, like washing your car, rinsing off that patio furniture, or giving the dog a bath.

You can purchase rain barrels from various places, but it's monumentally cheaper and more rewarding to build your own. Here's the best way I found to make a rain barrel from, by stylnpzzalvr

>>The best RAIN BARREL for less than $15, and where to find a barrel

Now, when you get tired of looking at the giant blue monstrosity infecting your otherwise pristine landscape, paint it! You can easily decorate it with some spraypaint and creativity. If your lacking in the creativity department, do an images search for decorated rain barrels for some inspiration. There are some pretty amazing designs out there, and this SO much cheaper than buying a "aesthetically pleasing" rain barrel for around $100.

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