Friday, December 12, 2014

California bans plastic bags!

Starting sometime in 2015 for grocery stores and 2016 for liquor stores and pharmacies, plastic bags will be outlawed in the state of California.

What the hell kind of place do we live in that we have to do things like make plastic bags illegal? You know they're terrible, I know they're terrible, just get rid of them!

I'm not saying this isn't great, just so strange that things take so long to take effect after it's become apparent we never should have had them to begin with.

In my opinion the greatest thing about this bill is that it includes funding for retraining workers that are in the, uh, plastic bag making line of work, and/or funding for manufacturing plants to switch gears from making single-use plastic bags. Thus proving that it's entirely possible to fundamentally change outdated infrastructures, without uprooting our economic stability on certain industries. This is something that mega corporations would have you believe isn't possible.

>>>Click here to read the full story