Wednesday, January 16, 2013

In.gredients: Americas first Zero-waste, Zero packaging grocery store.

Man, I wish I lived in Austin, Texas right about now. They have the United States first grocery store with all completely organic, completely local, bare ingredients with no crap and better yet? Zero packaging. You bring your containers in, you fill them with what you need, you weigh it all, pay for it, and your good to go with zero waste. You can also purchase their compostable containers if you don't bring your own.

In.gredients, famous for being Americas brightest idea in a long friggin' time (oh wait, that's my opinion) opened in 2011. My only question, where the hell are the other grocery stores doing the same thing?? As far as I know In.gredients has been a great success, but I have yet to hear of any other stores following their lead. Don't get me wrong, there are some good options out there, but nowhere near as good as In.gredients. Perfectly wrapped, bright and colorful, fun and silly packaging has got to be one of the dumbest things that intelligent people all over the world let corporations get away with. Bastards.

Let's all give three cheers for In.gredients. If you wanna check out their website, click here.
If you wanna read more about them from a local Austin resident and an amazing blogger,  click here.

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