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Cover for GMO OMG |
As you can see from the title, it's all about GMO's, AKA, genetically modified organisms. You've probably heard some sort of hooplah about this new thing you may or may not have to worry about in one form of another, but what does it actually mean? "GMO OMG" follows a concerned father down a path to find out what GMO's really are, where they are, and if you really need to be worried about them.
And even if you think you already know what GMO's are all about, and have decided if you care or don't care about them, you should still watch this video. I work in a cooperative health foods grocery store, which means I'm bombarded by hippies all day with questions like the ones asked in this video. I'm practically required to know about every hot new food thing, and I didn't know half the stuff they uncovered in this film. And not only is this film important, but it's incredibly well done and entertaining. You will not be disappointed.
The most amazing thing I learned from this movie is that we produce 4,600 kilo calories per person, per day. Which equals out to be enough food to feed 14 billion people. We only have 7 billion people on the planet. If that math is too hard for you, we produce DOUBLE the amount of food we actually need, right now, this very second. Yet biotech giants like Monsanto would have you believe that they're solving world hunger. That we can't feed the planet on organic. That we need patented, roundup ready seeds in order to survive.
The're full of shit. The biggest argument I have heard from those who say GMO's aren't that bad and pesticide's are a necessary evil is that we need it. Absolutely, without a doubt, we can't survive as a species and produce the level of food we need without these advances. And now you know, it just isn't true.
Please, watch this movie. And then buy it as a gift for your parents. Or even better, anybody you know who has children. I can't imagine exactly how I would feel if I had kids in this world we live in today, but after watching this video, I am so angered at how little we know, and how much corporations have forced upon us, and I know my anger would be 10 times worse if I let my kids eat all this crap. Or, even worse, let them think that it's OK for conglomerates like Monsanto to get away with what they're doing.